ALUMNI Meeting : Webinar
Date: 9 December 2020
Time:  13h00 to 15h00 (Geneva time)
Discussion topic:
Contextualization of the results of COVID vaccine trials: implications for national decision-making, future and ongoing trials, and post-licensure surveillance
Presenter: Professor Peter Smith, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK
Title of presentation:  Early results from COVID-19 vaccine trials and implications for ongoing and future trials of other COVID-19 vaccines
Presenter: Professor Nick Andrews, Public Health England, UK
Title of presentation:  Approaches to study vaccine impact post-licensure, both vaccine effectiveness and safety
Documents and links:
pdfEarly results from COVID-19 vaccine trials and implications for ongoing and future trials of other COVID-19 vaccines.
Presentation of Peter Smith
pdfApproaches to study vaccine impact post-licensure, both vaccine effectiveness and safety.
Presentation of Nick Andrews